Monday, January 23, 2006

How To Love A Girl...

Love the girl in your heart, not in your mind.
If you base your relationship on feelings,
it will fail for there are ups & downs in feelings.
Girls are there to be loved, not toyed around.
Love her for who she is.
Don't even think about changing any bit about her.
6 billion people in this world
& 6 billion different personalities.
She's special & she will stay that way.
You change any part of her, you'll change her forever.
Don't substitute her for anyone else,
they are just unique in their own ways.
Love whole-heartedly.
She sacrificed a lot for you
so you'd better really treassure her.
She could have just got up
& date a so much more dashing guy in town
but she chose you instead all because of love.
So love her guys, not play with her.
Don't just get the girl to beg you
to stay or whatsoever.
If you're with her, love her.
Don't cause a strain in the relationship,
you'll end up loving each other out of pity or charity,
that's not respecting love at all.
Respect love the way it is
& everything will be the best it can be.
Don't expect perfection from her.
She's the only one in the world
& she's done the best she could.
Like another girl while you're in a relationship?
Then I think it's time you remain single for a while.
Don't go around breaking girls' hearts,
it's the most tragic thing to do.
Tell the truth, never hide anything from her.
If you want her to tell you everything, do the same.
Don't go calling other girls "honey" or "darling",
how would it feel if your girl calls other guys the same way?
Be faithful, enough is enough.
Socialise only when you're single.
You socialise & flirt around is to get the girl of your dreams.
Get it over when she's already yours, don't ask for more.
It never kills to be romantic. Think, be flexible.
Getting that diamond ring isn't the only gift for her.
Be realistic, she's human & she lives life just like you.
Something sweet & simple always get the job done.
Money doesn't exist between couples, it's the love.
Never promise her that you'll love her forever
because your forever might end the next day.
Love her as if each day is the last.
Sweet talks only apply for singles, not for attached guys.
Do that & you'll really break your girl's heart.
Isn't good being too well-known too,
it'll give her a sense of insecurity.

Sunday, January 8, 2006


Hmm aku baru je tgk album reunion SMSPP yg kat KLCC 1/1/2006 aritu.. Hmmmmm... Cane ek nak cakap... Bile tgk gmbr2 tu kan, aku rase sedih jek.. Sedih sbb aku x dpt nak rase kegembiraan2 tu.. So far dah 3 4 reunion dh yg smspp atau balqisian 99/00 wat tp slalunye aku x gi sbb ade hal yg xleh dielakkn.. Lgpun ntah laa.. Klu pun aku leh gi, kdg2 aku rase aku x cukup kuat tuk berdepan dgn derg sume... Nape?? Hmmm.. :(

Aku tau, dulu2 aku bukanlah antara org yg disenangi kt skolah.. Aku skema, aku kerek, aku poyo, aku itu, aku ini... Mcm2 lg... Tp aku x salahkan korang.. Mungkin ape yg korang kate tu betul.. Mungkin ade gak yg x betul.. Tp itulah aku dulu.. Aku x ramai kawan kat skolah.. Mungkin cara atau pendekatan aku bbeza dgn org lain.. Buatkan aku terasing... Aku x pandai bkawan agaknye... Ntah2 smpi skrg pun aku x pandai bkawan.... :(

Sedihnye........ Da sorang classmate aku dulu slalu ajak aku gi reunion2 ni tp tu la.. Aku x mampu.. Aku x cukup kuat tuk berdepan dgn derang sume.. Aku dah wat salah.... Aku plak xleh agak cane reaksi derang klu aku gi reunion tu skali... Aku takut yg aku akan terasing lg... Macam dulu2...... Sedih..........

Aku pun ade ckp kat die.. Aku segan.. Aku xtau cane nak jumpe derang sume.. Tp die kate yg lepas tu lepas laa.. Mmg betul.. Tp kdg2 aku tingat blk yg dulu2, kebencian derang terpancar pd mata masing2... Aku takut.... Aku takut klu2 dlm mata derang tu masih same mcm dulu.. Masih ade ketidaksenangan derang pd aku..... Aku takut... Aku takut pd byg2 aku sendiri... Stp kali aku ingat blk zmn skolah aku, aku mesti jd sedih... Aku lemah tuk berdepan dgn bygn diri aku sendiri mase skolah dulu.... Sedih..........

Pd semua yg aku dah penah sakitkan ati korang mase skolah dulu, yg dah penah aku singgung, yg dah penah aku wat salah pd korang dulu & pd sesape yg rase aku dah wat something yg x spttnye aku wat pd die, dgn penuh kerendahan diri & hati aku susun 10 jari memohon ampun & maaf atas segala kesalahan & kesilapan yg aku dah lakukan sama ada aku sengaja ataupun tak... Maafkanlah aku tuk setiap kekhilafan & kajahilan aku... Klu la masa boleh aku putar smule, aku xnak aku yg dulu tu bsikap camtu... Maafkanlah aku... Ampunkanlah aku.......

& buat teman2 yg masih sudi berkawan, bertukar2 berita dgn aku, masih mengingati aku: Eppy, Afa, Aliana, Lin, Dj, Izyan, Zatul, Zaili, Iera & pd sesape yg baru je add aku dlm friendster list derang, aku ucapkan terima kasih yg x thingga sbb masih lg menerima aku yg serba kekurangan ni..... Aku hargai sgt2 ingatan korang pd aku... Terima kasih sgt2.. Aku sgt2 terharu..... Terima kasih Tuhan... Terima kasih kerana mengurniakan aku sahabat2 yg sgt mulia & baik hati.... Aku doakan kesejahteraan & kebahagiaan korang dunia & akhirat kerana masih sudi menerima aku seadanya aku.......

Being Lonely...

Aduuhaaaaiiii... Aku baru jek kena tinggal dek adik2 merangkap hosmate aku.. Derg sume dh blk tuk raya haji.. Tinggal aku sorg2 je mlm ni kat umah tu sbb bas aku eosk pg..!! Uwwaaa...........!!!!! Sob sob sob.. Sedih2.. Takut pun ade gak seposen.. Yelah umah beso2 dok sorg2.. Tak ke horror tuh??!! Hehe.. Tp aku ingat nak wat cd marathon mlm ni smpi subuh huhu.. ;D Sian aku.. Home alone.. Mr Lonely.. I'll be lonely... Huhu.. :'(

Ahhh.. Kite tinggalkn cite2 sedih tu.. Ermm ape ye yg aku dh wat arini?? Haa pg td aku gih kampus n jumpe dgn En Zul pasai membran tu.. Die kate membran yg aku dpt tu kire good 4 the first one tp still kena try n error tuk dptkan yg lebih baik.. Die ade kasik bbrp idea tuk cast the next membrane.. Then gi jumpe Dr pn Dr suh wat ape yg En Zul suggest.. Well aku pun dgn semangat bkobar2 nak burn laa cuti raya haji ni tuk wat labwork aku.. Siap amik byk2 dh woven kt bilik Dr tu.. :D Skali bile dh gi lab, baru laa aku tingat.. Aku mane ade dope solution...?? So cane nak cast membrane??? Aiyyaakksss... Terus semangat aku yg bkobar2 td malap slow2 smpi padam.. Uwaa... Sadisnye... Bile laa motor kebuk wasap yg tbakar tu derg nak baiki..?? Klu lmbt alamatnye lmbt laa aku leh start labwork aku... :(

So dgn hampa & kecewanye aku pun decide nk blk umah tuk raya haji.. Yelah klu aku trs stay kt cni pun, there's no point 4 me to do anything.. Pakngah lak nak tutup cc dr 11-13hb sbb nk blk kg.. Aku plak tinggal sorg2.. Ape lg, baik aku balik kg!!!! Hehehe... Kebelakangan ni aku asik balik aje.. Aritu aku dh blk mase krismas.. Lame lak tu.. Smpi sminggu aku lepak umah.. :D Smpi En Zul msg2 tanye mane ilangnye budak2 bwh jagaan die ni hahaha.. Sorry En Zul.. Jgn mara aaa.. Ade hal penting aa kat umah... ;)

Then aku ingat pas blk mase krismas tu, raya haji laa baru blk pulak.. Skali mase duk sibuk2 setelkan borang SLAB KUKTEM tu, Dr Ku Halim suggestkan tuk aku anto by hand & jumpe ketua2 jbtn sane tuk kc CV aku.. Bile pk2 blk, disbbkn tarikh tutup 7hb ni & borang2 pengadil pun baru dpt collect smule 2hb aritu, so aku pun decide laa tuk anto by hand. 3hb tuh aku blk umah aku kt temerloh dulu sbb sijil2 skolah aku kt sane.. Dh siap n setelkan aritu jugak, 4hb tu aku terus ke KUKTEM..

Well aku pun nervous gak sbb aku xtau cane nak ckp n bdepan dgn derg ni.. Tp aku tawakkal aje.. Dgn lafaz Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, akhirnye pjumpaan aku dgn ketua jabatan Faculty of Civil & Environmental Eng. & En Abdul Aziz (kenalan En Asmadi) bjalan lancar, alhamdulillah :) Cume ketua jbtn Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources je aku xdpt nk jumpe sbb mase aku baru smpi tu die plak baru je masuk meeting.. So xde rezeki but still aku tgglkn CV aku.. Aku xde laa meletakkan hrpn yg terlalu tinggi tp klu dah ada rezeki tuk aku, mudah2an aku dpt post tu.. Ameen :)

Drp ctu aku singgah ke kemaman sat & drive blk ke KT pd ari yg same.. Bygkan penat x penatnye aku drive 6 jam pergi & 6 jam blk dlm mase 2 ari..??? Penat ooo... Sibbaik xpatah blkg aku hehe.. Tupun aku dh ngantuk2 gile bwk kete.. Mujur laa ade org sudi nak temankan aku on da way blk ke KT tu, so die laa yg drive.. Maceh... :D Malamnye tu aku pengsan dek kepenatan.. Tp aku kena bgn pg laa sbb pg khamisnye tu aku kena ngadap En Zul & Dr. Tu yg terus 'ter'buat membrane tu hehe :D Tp baguih gak.. Akhirnye di awal thn 2006 ni, aku bjaya cast membrane aku yg pertama... Suke!!! \(^-^)/ Ahaks!

Memandangkan aku dh nk blk esok, aku jd dh xsabo2 lak nk tggu siang.. Hehe.. Tp kan, bulan ni aku rase aku asik blk je.. Yelah nnt thn baru cina nnt nak blk lg.. Hahaha... Haaiiii ntah laa ko ni ija.. Pe ntah nk jadik.. Asik blk aje... Ske ati ko la labu... Asal bahagia udah.. Hehehe :D
So from KT with lotssssss of love, Selamat Hari Raya 'Iduladha.. Utk korang2 diluar sane, korang korban ape tahun ni??? ;D

Friday, January 6, 2006

Hoorreeyyyy!!! \(^-^)/

Walla.. Dh thn baru laa.. Tp asal aku xrase makin tue eks? Haha.. Aku skrg ni cam dh malas sgt je nak post something kt blog ni.. Xtau laa pasai.. Hmm ekceli aku dah xsehat bih kurang 2 minggu dah.. Duk batuk2 n bdn pun panas semacam je, tp idok le smpi demam..

Arini pun aku xbape sihat.. Hmm ntah bile nak betul2 sihat.. Ssh gak nak gerak bile bdn cani.. Xbape selesa nak bjalan.. Nk wat ape2pun serba xkena jek.. Pastu yg plg xbest, ade je yg mudah wat aku terase... Hm.. ontah laa labu....

Haa.. Asal aku suke sgt td eks? Ni yg nk gtau ni.. Aku dah berjaya cast membrane!! :D Suke.. Suke..!!! Hehehe... Khamis aritu aku try laa cast membrane tuh atas kain woven tu.. Memule debor jek sbb xtau laa jadik ke tak.. Skali bile dh rendam dlm air trus jd membrane yg cantik..!! Suke.. Suke..!!! :D Sibbaik Brian ade tlg.. Thanks Brian...! :D

Td plak aku gi transfer membrane tuh tuk rendam dlm methanol & n-hexane laks.. Kul 6 td gi angkat membrane2 tuh & jemurkan.. Hari ahad nnt aku ingat nak tunjuk kat En Zul & Dr. so that derg leh komen pape yg patut...

Eii.. Suke.. Suke...!!!! Akhirnye aku bjaya gak hasilkan membrane pertama aku wpun dlm serba kekurangan & kejahilan... :D Sape kate aku x boleh??? :D :P Never give up!!!!! ;)