Saturday, September 27, 2008

My First Appreciation...


Thanks Cekgu BH for these raya card & the appreciation :')
This is my first time appreciation thru the net. Thanks to u! :D

2 komen:

chekgu Bani Hassim said...

Nyimpen jenang nang jero tin, arek digowo mareng suro, keluputan kulo lahir batin,
salah silap njalok ngapuro.

Bocah cilik mangan sego,
sego dipangan karo gulo,
wes suwi orak ngomong jowo,
dino royo njalok ngapuro.

Buko poso lawuh'e gereh,
njegor sunge dicaplok boyo,
keluputanku sing akeh-akeh,
kito 0-0 eh!

- just me - said...

SGB, hait! Sumimasen deshita! Hontoni gomennasai!! ;D