Once promised to upload the pictures in previous entry, Busy... about Sehari Bersama BPR. Delayed by me having fever for almost 2 weeks now. Even yesterday I still had a headache, the most painful one I think. Never had headache like that before. Plus my body strangely felt hot & cold. Maybe I'm not totally recovered. Or maybe I had a lot of things rolling in my mind. Maybe.. So, these are for the sharings.
Discussion before the rehearsal.
While singing Doa Buat Kekasih, together with SEJAK
Being interviewed by the emcees after performing; me with my duet partner, Rock [not his real name of course hehe]
Relieved after performing. Peace! ;)
'Lepak'ing session waiting for turns; SEJAK's cover album?? Duuhhh..
At night, Aidilfitri theme hehe lots & lots of foods. Not to forget biskut raya hehe.. Owh only the VIP sit at the tableHaha.. SEJAK with baju melayu. Quite handsome though :D
Me begin to sing from one of the props before being escorted to the stage during Suasana Hari Raya song hehe
Don't wanna miss the chance to be in the picture although I am on the performance
Smiling faces!